1. ring in the bottom left room 2. phoenix egg missing 3. dots on the book 4. colours on the dress 5. fire lamp on the wall 6. flower colour near the stairs 7. bear belly colour 8. floor by the door 9. chair missing arm 10. courtain in the lower left room 11. parot eye
1 - The lamp is not lit on the northwestern part 2 - The color of the heaven blossom is purple 3 - The parrot has a cross-eye (?) 4 - The color of the floor is different on the door area 5 - The chair is missing a part 6 - The red tome has one more star 7 - The color or the Divine's dress 8 - The color of the stuffed bear 9 - The curtain is missing a part 10 - The wedding ring is missing the diamond 11 - There is a part missing upon the heart on the southern part
Answer: 1 - Macaw's eye out of place 2 - Wedding ring is missing the diamond 3 - Color of the stuffed bear 4 - Red tome has one more star 5 - Color of the heaven blossom 6 - Lamp is not lit on the northwestern part 7 - Color or the Divine's dress 8 - Red chair is missing a part 9 - There is a part missing upon the heart on the southern part 10 - Color of the floor is different on the door area 11 - Part of the curtain rod is missing
1. La wall lamp de la habitación del norte al lado de la Lady bug 2. La flor de las escaleras 3. El ojo del parrot 4. El libro sobre la mesa 5. El apoya brazo de la silla 6. El sqm cerca de la puerta de la derecha 7. El vestido de Divine 8. La panza del oso 9. El tubo marrón de las cortinas 10. El anillo de la izquierda 11. Los huevos del phoenix Honey Rush
Braff herza North room: 1. Flame on the wall 2. Blossom has a differnet color (pink not red) 3. The tome has an extra star 4. Divine's dress is diff coloor 5. The chair misses an arm 6. The parrot eye 7. Bear doll color 8. The floor under the door
South: 9. The ring misses a stone 10. There's extra phoenix egg 11. The tapestry lack a piece
1 Candelabro de la izquierda 2 La flor cerca de las escaleras 3 El ojo del loro 4 El punto del libro 5 Color del vestido 6 Panza del oso 7 Carpet de la puerta 8 Esquina de la cortina cerca de la cama 9 Anillo izquierdo 10 Los huevos de fenix en el corazon 11 Poza brazo de la silla
Diferencias: los phoenix eggs, la parte marrón de las cortinas, el wedding ring, la panza del teddy bear es más clara, el vestido tiene otro color, el piso de la puerta de la derecha, le falta un brazo a la silla, al libro le falta un detalle, el ojo del parrot, la flor rosada cerca de las escaleras y la wall lamp al lado de la ladybug cuarto norte Character: Rush Lider
Hubi ow 1. color heaven blossom 2. Llama en la pared 3. Pico del Parrot 4. Punto del Libro de la Mesa 5. Porta manos de la Silla 6. Color del vestido 7. Color del Oso 8. Palo de la cortina 9. Perla en anillo de bodas 10. Fuego en el corazon 11. Piso de la puerta alado del Parrot
Hubi ow 1. color heaven blossom 2. Llama en la pared 3. Pico del Parrot 4. Punto del Libro de la Mesa 5. Porta manos de la Silla 6. Color del vestido 7. Color del Oso 8. Palo de la cortina 9. Perla en anillo de bodas 10. Fuego en el corazon 11. Piso de la puerta alado del Parrot
Pava - 1.Book: The book on the top shelf to the left is missing on the left image. 2. Colour of flowers 3.Lamp: The lamp on the left side of the bed at the bottom is on in the left image and off in the right image. 4.Rings 5.Teddy Bear: The teddy bear on the top shelf to the right is a different color. 6. Colour of dress 7. Pillow: On the bed to the right, the pillow has a different pattern. 8. Chairs 9. Tapestry is missing a piece 10.Floor under parrot 11. Parrot Eye: The parrot's eye is a different side
red tome (golden star) velvet tapestry (part missing) Phoenix eggs on heart pillow wooden tile is different next to the door flower with different color wall lamp on/ off wedding ring missing the jewel part different color on outfit missing a piece of the chair bear different color Char lord soole trando
Nro. 1 el piso de la puerta de la derecha Nro. 2 a la red chair le falta el apoyo de brazo Nro. 3 al libro le falta un punto amarillo Nro. 4 el ojo del parrot está abajo Nro. 5 la flor rosada al subir las escaleras Nro. 6 la wall lamp de la izquierda Nro. 7 faltan huevos de phoenix Nro. 8 al anillo le falta el diamante Nro. 9 falta la parte marrón de la cortina lo de arriba Nro. 10 el oso la parte de su pancita Nro. 11 el vestido de Divine tiene otro tono char name: Biankikii
Character: Arcai 1. Dot on red tome 2. Wall lamp in upper left 3. Heaven blossom color 4. Parrot eye 5. Flooring by door on upper right 6. Teddy bear body color 7. Divine's dress color 8. Chair arm missing 9. Tapestry bar missing 10. Left wedding ring 11. Flame on heart pillow
1. Red Flower/Pink Flower 2. Dress skirt with pink detail/dress skirt with red detail 3. Detail of the item with fire on top of the different heart pillow in the images 4. Light next to the music box turned off/light next to the music box on 5. Detail in the book: 3 dots/detail in the book with 4 dots 6. Missing an arm on the red chair in the image on the right 7. Ring from direct without the stone 8. Different floor near the bird and in the sqm above the open door 9. Different bear belly color 10. Different detail on the curtain rod above the bed 11. Different Bird Eyes
1. Red Tome 2. Phoenix eggs 3. Bear Doll Color 4. Doorway Floor Tile 5. Top left light fixture 6. Divine'Angel outfit color 7. Heaven blossom color 8. Wedding Ring 9. Right chair arm rest 10. velvet tapestry 11. parrot eye -Libi
1. Anillo de boda debajo de la primer cama 2. en el corazon uno tiene mas fuego que el otro 3. un tome tiene mas puntos que el otro (uno 3 otro 4) 4. la puerta abierta tiene un diferente piso 5. Antorcha de pared de arriba a la izquierda una apagada 6. el color de la bloosong flor uno es rojo el otro es como rosa 7. la silla junto al tome derecha no esta completa 8. el color del vestido del personaje es diferene rojo y rosa 9. la cortina no esta completa en el cuarto de abajo arriba de las camas, le falta la parte superior 10. el pecho del bear doll es de otro color 11. el ojo del pajaro rojo no esta completo en uno tiene dos puntos su ojo
Character: Tiger Backwoods 1. Arm Missing On Char On Right 2. Bear Doll Color 3. Dots On Tome 4. Divine's Dress Color 5. Fire On Heart Pillow 6. Flooring To The Upper Right 7. Heaven Blossom Color 8. Parrot's Eye 9. Tapestry Missing Bar 10. Wall Lamp On Upper Left 11. Wedding Ring On Left
First room: 1. Lamp turned off next to the ladybug and musicbox, on the other side it is on 2. The color of the flowers above the stairs is different, one is pink and the other is red 3. The bird just below the stairs is looking in different directions 4. Very close to the bird, the floor covering is different in the images, one floor is covered and the other is not 5. The red book has different golden details: one with 4 golden dots and the other with just three 6. Right next to the book, the chair is missing an arm in the image on the right 7. The skirt of Divine Angel's dress has different details, one in pink and the other in red 8. The bear on the right side of Divine Angel has a different colored belly
In the bedroom: 9. The curtain just above the first bed, in the image on the right, has its upper part (rod) incomplete 10. The pearl from the first ring is missing, which is below the first bed 11. There are more flames in the item in the image on the right, in the image on the left this item is incomplete
First room: 1. Lamp turned off next to the ladybug and musicbox, on the other side it is on 2. The color of the flowers above the stairs is different, one is pink and the other is red 3. The bird just below the stairs is looking in different directions 4. Very close to the bird, the floor covering is different in the images, one floor is covered and the other is not 5. The red book has different golden details: one with 4 golden dots and the other with just three 6. Right next to the book, the chair is missing an arm in the image on the right 7. The skirt of Divine Angel's dress has different details, one in pink and the other in red 8. The bear on the right side of Divine Angel has a different colored belly
In the bedroom: 9. The curtain just above the first bed, in the image on the right, has its upper part (rod) incomplete 10. The pearl from the first ring is missing, which is below the first bed 11. There are more flames in the item in the image on the right, in the image on the left this item is incomplete
Differences: flower on the sqm north to the stairs the wall lamp (fire) on left side near to the ladybug the cover of the book over the table the color on the dress of divine angel the part of the second chair (right) the eye of the parrot is on dif position the sqm near the right door has carpet and the other doesnt the tummy of the bear on the corner near to the door the top corner curtain (left bed side) the diamond of the left ring the heat pillow has an extra item (2 on the left/3 on the right)
https://imgur.com/a/eCsNVIa Tibia Goals Riddles - Chart: Doraa la Exploradora
Differences: Flower on the sqm north to the stairs the wall lamp (fire) on left side near to the ladybug the cover of the book over the table the color on the dress of divine angel the part of the second chair (right) the eye of the parrot is on dif position the sqm near the right door has carpet and the other doesnt the tummy of the bear on the corner near to the door the top corner curtain (left bed side) the diamond of the left ring the heat pillow has an extra item (2 on the left/3 on the right)
dots on tome wall lamp on upper left arm missing on char on right bear doll color flooring to the upper right heaven blossom color divine's dress color tapestry missing bar wedding ring on left fire on heart pillow parrot's eye
1- En el sur el fuego en el corazon 2- En el sur encima del anillo de bodas izquierdo. 3- En el sur izquierdo la cortina roja 4- En el Vestido de Divine Angel cambia el color en medio 5- El oso de la derecha en medio le cambia el color 6- La silla en medio la del lado derecho le falta una parte. 7-El libro rojo del medio tiene una diferencia de un punto. 8- En la puerta del lado derecho se ve la diferencia en el suelo. 9-En el pajaro la diferencia esta en el ojo 10- En el norte la antorcha de la pared izquierda esta prendida 11- Subiendo la escalera el color de la blossom es diferente.
King Activist 1. wall lamp on upper left 2. dots on tome 3. arm missing on chair on right side 4. flooring to the upper left 5. bear doll body color 6. heaven blossom's color 7. Divine'Angel's color of outfit (dress) 8. tapestry missing bar in corner of the room in right side image 9. wedding ring on left 10. parrot's eye 11. phoenix egg missing on left side
Hubi ow 1. color heaven blossom 2. Llama en la pared 3. Ojo del Parrot 4. Punto del Libro de la Mesa 5. Porta manos de la Silla 6. Color del vestido 7. Color del Oso 8. Palo de la cortina 9. Perla en anillo de bodas 10. Fuego en el corazon 11. Piso de la puerta alado del Parrot
Lula Petit Brazo de la silla, phoenix en el corazon,puntos del libro, Piso en puerta, Antorcha de pared, Color de la Flor , anillo, Oso , Cortina, Vestido
Respuesta: 1. El candelabro de la pared 2. El color de la flor 3. El sqm en la puerta del lado derecho 4. El punto del libro 5. El ojo del loro 6. El tedy bear 7. La parte de arriba de la cortina 8. El dolor del vestido del outfit 9. El color del anillo del lado izquierdo 10. El fuego arriba del heart pillow 11. El reposa brazos de la silla de la derecha Nombre: Bellakz ♥
1) el ojo derecho del parrot esta mirando hacia abajo 2) Heaven Blossom tiene otro color 3) Red Tome tiene 1 estrella adicional 4) la silla de la derecha le falta el brazo del lado arriba 5) la lampara que esta al lado de la ventana esta encendida 6) uno de los anillos es diferente 7) falta 1 Phoenix Egg 8) el vestido del char tiene otro color 9) arriba del sqm de la puerta le falta un pedacito de wooden planks 10) en la esquina donde estan los Velvet Tapestry le falta un padacito del lado arriba 11) el Bear Doll tiene la panza de otro color King Kirex
1- la heaven blossom es diferente 2- el bear doll es diferente 3- el parrot es difente 4- la lampara del lado arriba de la ventana es diferente 5- uno de los anillos es diferente 6- la silla de la derecha es diferente 7- los phoenix egg son diferentes 8- Red Tome es diferente 9- el vestido de Divine Angel es diferente 10- el sqm que esta arriba de la puerta que esta abierta es diferente 11- el velvet tapestry de arriba es diferente
1-- cape of tome, one 3 and other 4 circles. 2- color of dress, one pink other red 3- color of doll's belly 4- fire on the caddlewall near ladybug 5- carpet in midlle room near the open door 6- color of the flower near the stairs 7- arm of right red chair 8- "fire" above heart pillow 9- missing pearl in left ring 10 - missing piece of stick of tapestry in left corner 11- eye of the parrot
bomdrax (ynabra)
Character: Oesje
ReplyDelete1. ring in the bottom left room
2. phoenix egg missing
3. dots on the book
4. colours on the dress
5. fire lamp on the wall
6. flower colour near the stairs
7. bear belly colour
8. floor by the door
9. chair missing arm
10. courtain in the lower left room
11. parot eye
Nick: Akuma Nikaido
1 - The lamp is not lit on the northwestern part
2 - The color of the heaven blossom is purple
3 - The parrot has a cross-eye (?)
4 - The color of the floor is different on the door area
5 - The chair is missing a part
6 - The red tome has one more star
7 - The color or the Divine's dress
8 - The color of the stuffed bear
9 - The curtain is missing a part
10 - The wedding ring is missing the diamond
11 - There is a part missing upon the heart on the southern part
Nick: Sir Lukones Talagado
1 - Macaw's eye out of place
2 - Wedding ring is missing the diamond
3 - Color of the stuffed bear
4 - Red tome has one more star
5 - Color of the heaven blossom
6 - Lamp is not lit on the northwestern part
7 - Color or the Divine's dress
8 - Red chair is missing a part
9 - There is a part missing upon the heart on the southern part
10 - Color of the floor is different on the door area
11 - Part of the curtain rod is missing
ReplyDeleteCorrection: Is the parrot eye not the armor rack.
1. La wall lamp de la habitación del norte al lado de la Lady bug
ReplyDelete2. La flor de las escaleras
3. El ojo del parrot
4. El libro sobre la mesa
5. El apoya brazo de la silla
6. El sqm cerca de la puerta de la derecha
7. El vestido de Divine
8. La panza del oso
9. El tubo marrón de las cortinas
10. El anillo de la izquierda
11. Los huevos del phoenix
Honey Rush
Tamarizz - Solidera
Character: Mikhelle
ReplyDeleteAnswer: https://imgur.com/a/sZmBIfM
ReplyDeletechar name: panshuga
ReplyDeletechar name: panshuga
Braff herza
ReplyDeleteNorth room:
1. Flame on the wall
2. Blossom has a differnet color (pink not red)
3. The tome has an extra star
4. Divine's dress is diff coloor
5. The chair misses an arm
6. The parrot eye
7. Bear doll color
8. The floor under the door
9. The ring misses a stone
10. There's extra phoenix egg
11. The tapestry lack a piece
1 Candelabro de la izquierda
ReplyDelete2 La flor cerca de las escaleras
3 El ojo del loro
4 El punto del libro
5 Color del vestido
6 Panza del oso
7 Carpet de la puerta
8 Esquina de la cortina cerca de la cama
9 Anillo izquierdo
10 Los huevos de fenix en el corazon
11 Poza brazo de la silla
Chart: Korynita
ReplyDeleteRespuesta: https://imgur.com/a/UbUKhUc
ReplyDelete*Edit :u last one, promise
Diferencias: los phoenix eggs, la parte marrón de las cortinas, el wedding ring, la panza del teddy bear es más clara, el vestido tiene otro color, el piso de la puerta de la derecha, le falta un brazo a la silla, al libro le falta un detalle, el ojo del parrot, la flor rosada cerca de las escaleras y la wall lamp al lado de la ladybug cuarto norte
ReplyDeleteCharacter: Rush Lider
ReplyDeleteChart Name: Chaviitoh
ReplyDeleteRespuesta: https://imgur.com/a/54V1Rvs
ReplyDeleteChart : Elforense
ReplyDeleteCharacter Name: Dyaniixz
ReplyDeleteCharacter Name: Dyaniixz
ReplyDeleteCharacter Name: Dyaniixz
ReplyDeletechart: Fiorela Death
ReplyDeleteReply: https://imgur.com/QXre8qV
Character: Bugadiinha
World: Inabra
Hubi ow
ReplyDelete1. color heaven blossom
2. Llama en la pared
3. Pico del Parrot
4. Punto del Libro de la Mesa
5. Porta manos de la Silla
6. Color del vestido
7. Color del Oso
8. Palo de la cortina
9. Perla en anillo de bodas
10. Fuego en el corazon
11. Piso de la puerta alado del Parrot
Hubi ow
ReplyDelete1. color heaven blossom
2. Llama en la pared
3. Pico del Parrot
4. Punto del Libro de la Mesa
5. Porta manos de la Silla
6. Color del vestido
7. Color del Oso
8. Palo de la cortina
9. Perla en anillo de bodas
10. Fuego en el corazon
11. Piso de la puerta alado del Parrot
Dillon style - Firmera
ReplyDeletechart: Florecithaa
Astro style
Pava - 1.Book: The book on the top shelf to the left is missing on the left image.
ReplyDelete2. Colour of flowers
3.Lamp: The lamp on the left side of the bed at the bottom is on in the left image and off in the right image.
5.Teddy Bear: The teddy bear on the top shelf to the right is a different color.
6. Colour of dress
7. Pillow: On the bed to the right, the pillow has a different pattern.
8. Chairs
9. Tapestry is missing a piece
10.Floor under parrot
11. Parrot Eye: The parrot's eye is a different side
Lady nerakk
Answer: https://imgur.com/a/yAZjnCX
ReplyDeleteChar: Tha
Answer: https://imgur.com/a/yAZjnCX
ReplyDeleteChar: Tha
ReplyDeletechart : Doctor Kilitox
chart name: Neutrozx
ReplyDeleterespuesta: https://imgur.com/a/cxDhRWg
red tome (golden star)
ReplyDeletevelvet tapestry (part missing)
Phoenix eggs on heart pillow
wooden tile is different next to the door
flower with different color
wall lamp on/ off
wedding ring missing the jewel part
different color on outfit
missing a piece of the chair
bear different color
Char lord soole trando
Nro. 1 el piso de la puerta de la derecha Nro. 2 a la red chair le falta el apoyo de brazo Nro. 3 al libro le falta un punto amarillo Nro. 4 el ojo del parrot está abajo Nro. 5 la flor rosada al subir las escaleras Nro. 6 la wall lamp de la izquierda Nro. 7 faltan huevos de phoenix Nro. 8 al anillo le falta el diamante Nro. 9 falta la parte marrón de la cortina lo de arriba Nro. 10 el oso la parte de su pancita Nro. 11 el vestido de Divine tiene otro tono char name: Biankikii
ReplyDeleteChar: Linda'inluv
ReplyDeleteAnswer: https://imgur.com/a/VGjWjHU
ReplyDeleteResposta: https://imgur.com/a/gib4IJm
Character: Arcai
ReplyDelete1. Dot on red tome
2. Wall lamp in upper left
3. Heaven blossom color
4. Parrot eye
5. Flooring by door on upper right
6. Teddy bear body color
7. Divine's dress color
8. Chair arm missing
9. Tapestry bar missing
10. Left wedding ring
11. Flame on heart pillow
Nick: Ahlyk
ReplyDeleteServer: Descubra
1. Red Flower/Pink Flower
2. Dress skirt with pink detail/dress skirt with red detail
3. Detail of the item with fire on top of the different heart pillow in the images
4. Light next to the music box turned off/light next to the music box on
5. Detail in the book: 3 dots/detail in the book with 4 dots
6. Missing an arm on the red chair in the image on the right
7. Ring from direct without the stone
8. Different floor near the bird and in the sqm above the open door
9. Different bear belly color
10. Different detail on the curtain rod above the bed
11. Different Bird Eyes
1. Red Tome
ReplyDelete2. Phoenix eggs
3. Bear Doll Color
4. Doorway Floor Tile
5. Top left light fixture
6. Divine'Angel outfit color
7. Heaven blossom color
8. Wedding Ring
9. Right chair arm rest
10. velvet tapestry
11. parrot eye
ReplyDeletechart: Elforense
1. Anillo de boda debajo de la primer cama
ReplyDelete2. en el corazon uno tiene mas fuego que el otro
3. un tome tiene mas puntos que el otro (uno 3 otro 4)
4. la puerta abierta tiene un diferente piso
5. Antorcha de pared de arriba a la izquierda una apagada
6. el color de la bloosong flor uno es rojo el otro es como rosa
7. la silla junto al tome derecha no esta completa
8. el color del vestido del personaje es diferene rojo y rosa
9. la cortina no esta completa en el cuarto de abajo arriba de las camas, le falta la parte superior
10. el pecho del bear doll es de otro color
11. el ojo del pajaro rojo no esta completo en uno tiene dos puntos su ojo
Chart: Street Thug
Character: Tiger Backwoods
ReplyDelete1. Arm Missing On Char On Right
2. Bear Doll Color
3. Dots On Tome
4. Divine's Dress Color
5. Fire On Heart Pillow
6. Flooring To The Upper Right
7. Heaven Blossom Color
8. Parrot's Eye
9. Tapestry Missing Bar
10. Wall Lamp On Upper Left
11. Wedding Ring On Left
Name Chart: Kriszaks
ReplyDeleteRespuesta: https://imgur.com/a/L7SuLYZ
ReplyDeleteRamona Toledo
First room:
ReplyDelete1. Lamp turned off next to the ladybug and musicbox, on the other side it is on
2. The color of the flowers above the stairs is different, one is pink and the other is red
3. The bird just below the stairs is looking in different directions
4. Very close to the bird, the floor covering is different in the images, one floor is covered and the other is not
5. The red book has different golden details: one with 4 golden dots and the other with just three
6. Right next to the book, the chair is missing an arm in the image on the right
7. The skirt of Divine Angel's dress has different details, one in pink and the other in red
8. The bear on the right side of Divine Angel has a different colored belly
In the bedroom:
9. The curtain just above the first bed, in the image on the right, has its upper part (rod) incomplete
10. The pearl from the first ring is missing, which is below the first bed
11. There are more flames in the item in the image on the right, in the image on the left this item is incomplete
Beto devoted
First room:
1. Lamp turned off next to the ladybug and musicbox, on the other side it is on
2. The color of the flowers above the stairs is different, one is pink and the other is red
3. The bird just below the stairs is looking in different directions
4. Very close to the bird, the floor covering is different in the images, one floor is covered and the other is not
5. The red book has different golden details: one with 4 golden dots and the other with just three
6. Right next to the book, the chair is missing an arm in the image on the right
7. The skirt of Divine Angel's dress has different details, one in pink and the other in red
8. The bear on the right side of Divine Angel has a different colored belly
In the bedroom:
9. The curtain just above the first bed, in the image on the right, has its upper part (rod) incomplete
10. The pearl from the first ring is missing, which is below the first bed
11. There are more flames in the item in the image on the right, in the image on the left this item is incomplete
ReplyDeleteTibia Goals Riddles - Chart: Doraa la Exploradora
flower on the sqm north to the stairs
the wall lamp (fire) on left side near to the ladybug
the cover of the book over the table
the color on the dress of divine angel
the part of the second chair (right)
the eye of the parrot is on dif position
the sqm near the right door has carpet and the other doesnt
the tummy of the bear on the corner near to the door
the top corner curtain (left bed side)
the diamond of the left ring
the heat pillow has an extra item (2 on the left/3 on the right)
ReplyDeleteTibia Goals Riddles - Chart: Doraa la Exploradora
Flower on the sqm north to the stairs
the wall lamp (fire) on left side near to the ladybug
the cover of the book over the table
the color on the dress of divine angel
the part of the second chair (right)
the eye of the parrot is on dif position
the sqm near the right door has carpet and the other doesnt
the tummy of the bear on the corner near to the door
the top corner curtain (left bed side)
the diamond of the left ring
the heat pillow has an extra item (2 on the left/3 on the right)
Name: Alhejandra
ReplyDeleteRespuesta: https://imgur.com/a/EvTeDHk
ReplyDeleteAlyn Tauradmoon
Senior Amera
ReplyDeletedots on tome
wall lamp on upper left
arm missing on char on right
bear doll color
flooring to the upper right
heaven blossom color
divine's dress color
tapestry missing bar
wedding ring on left
fire on heart pillow
parrot's eye
1- En el sur el fuego en el corazon
ReplyDelete2- En el sur encima del anillo de bodas izquierdo.
3- En el sur izquierdo la cortina roja
4- En el Vestido de Divine Angel cambia el color en medio
5- El oso de la derecha en medio le cambia el color
6- La silla en medio la del lado derecho le falta una parte.
7-El libro rojo del medio tiene una diferencia de un punto.
8- En la puerta del lado derecho se ve la diferencia en el suelo.
9-En el pajaro la diferencia esta en el ojo
10- En el norte la antorcha de la pared izquierda esta prendida
11- Subiendo la escalera el color de la blossom es diferente.
King Activist
ReplyDelete1. wall lamp on upper left
2. dots on tome
3. arm missing on chair on right side
4. flooring to the upper left
5. bear doll body color
6. heaven blossom's color
7. Divine'Angel's color of outfit (dress)
8. tapestry missing bar in corner of the room in right side image
9. wedding ring on left
10. parrot's eye
11. phoenix egg missing on left side
https://imgur.com/a/LzxWHbG // Vendida
ReplyDeletehttps://imgur.com/a/LzxWHbG // Vendida
ReplyDeletehttps://imgur.com/a/LzxWHbG // Vendida
ReplyDeleteHubi ow
ReplyDelete1. color heaven blossom
2. Llama en la pared
3. Ojo del Parrot
4. Punto del Libro de la Mesa
5. Porta manos de la Silla
6. Color del vestido
7. Color del Oso
8. Palo de la cortina
9. Perla en anillo de bodas
10. Fuego en el corazon
11. Piso de la puerta alado del Parrot
King Andrezinho
M: Elite'drago
Main: Neshio
Charater : Little Frita
ReplyDeleteResp : 1:Bear Doll 2;Parrot Ojo 3:Addon 4:Lamp Pared Arriba 5:Heaven Blosson 6:Red Tome 7:Anillo 8:Piso Pared 9:Silla 10:Phoenix Egg 11:Velvet Tapestry
Main char: Putz Puts
Lizzy Queen
heaven blossom, wall lamp, parrot, floor, bear doll, chair, book, dress, tapestry, ring, phoenix egg
charater Asuka Night
ReplyDeleteR:Oso, Addon, Phoenix Egg, Lamp Pared , Blosson heavet, Red Tome, Anillo, Piso Pared , Silla, Loro ojos, Velvet Tapestry
Answer: (1) wall lamp (2) heaven blossom (3) store parrot (4) red tome (5) red cushioned chair (6) wooden floor (7) noblewoman outfit (8) bear doll (9) velvet tapestry (10) wedding ring (11) phoenix eggs
ReplyDeleteCharacter: Green Khepri
Charater: Na Jikz
ReplyDeleteRespuesta: 1:Velvet Tapestry 2;Phoenix Egg 3:Addon 4:Silla 5:Heaven Blosson 6:Red Tome 7:Anillo 8:Piso Pared 9:Lamp Pared Arriba 10:Parrot Ojo 11:Bear Doll
Respuestas 1Loro ojos, 2red tome , 3silla,4 piso pared, 5lamp arriba Prendida, 6flor Rosa, 7addon , 8Phoenix egg, 9anillos, 10tapestry palo, 11oso doll
ReplyDeleteChars; tanka codee
Cuarenta Maniako
ReplyDeleteRespuestas 1 Silla 2 tapestry Palito 3blosson rosa 4anillo 5oso 6piso pared puerta arriba 7 lampara arriba 8 tome 9addon 10loro ojos 11egg phoenix
1. Wall Lamp
ReplyDelete2. Heaven Blossom
3. Parrot (Store Item)
4. Red tome
5. Red Cushioned Chair
6. Wooden Floor
7. Divine'Angel’s Dress
8. Bear Doll
9. Velvet Tapestry
10. Wedding Ring
11. Phoenix Eggs
Lula Petit
ReplyDeleteBrazo de la silla, phoenix en el corazon,puntos del libro, Piso en puerta, Antorcha de pared, Color de la Flor , anillo, Oso , Cortina, Vestido
ReplyDeleteRespuesta: 1. El candelabro de la pared
2. El color de la flor
3. El sqm en la puerta del lado derecho
4. El punto del libro
5. El ojo del loro
6. El tedy bear
7. La parte de arriba de la cortina
8. El dolor del vestido del outfit
9. El color del anillo del lado izquierdo
10. El fuego arriba del heart pillow
11. El reposa brazos de la silla de la derecha
Nombre: Bellakz ♥
Las que vi hasta ahorita
ReplyDelete1. Anillo
2. Fuego en el corazon
3. Libro
4. Piso en puerta
5. Antorcha de pared
6. Flor
7. Silla
8. Vestido del personaje
9. Cortina
10. Oso
11. Loro
Chart: Doctor Kilitox
1) el ojo derecho del parrot esta mirando hacia abajo
ReplyDelete2) Heaven Blossom tiene otro color
3) Red Tome tiene 1 estrella adicional
4) la silla de la derecha le falta el brazo del lado arriba
5) la lampara que esta al lado de la ventana esta encendida
6) uno de los anillos es diferente
7) falta 1 Phoenix Egg
8) el vestido del char tiene otro color
9) arriba del sqm de la puerta le falta un pedacito de wooden planks
10) en la esquina donde estan los Velvet Tapestry le falta un padacito del lado arriba
11) el Bear Doll tiene la panza de otro color
King Kirex
1- la heaven blossom es diferente
ReplyDelete2- el bear doll es diferente
3- el parrot es difente
4- la lampara del lado arriba de la ventana es diferente
5- uno de los anillos es diferente
6- la silla de la derecha es diferente
7- los phoenix egg son diferentes
8- Red Tome es diferente
9- el vestido de Divine Angel es diferente
10- el sqm que esta arriba de la puerta que esta abierta es diferente
11- el velvet tapestry de arriba es diferente
Hard Riddle
Sektor Kurama
ReplyDeleteLady Tiia Candia
1-- cape of tome, one 3 and other 4 circles.
ReplyDelete2- color of dress, one pink other red
3- color of doll's belly
4- fire on the caddlewall near ladybug
5- carpet in midlle room near the open door
6- color of the flower near the stairs
7- arm of right red chair
8- "fire" above heart pillow
9- missing pearl in left ring
10 - missing piece of stick of tapestry in left corner
11- eye of the parrot
Lady Dompas