Add an arrow to the 3 so it becomes 9-2=7
9 - 2 = 7
Tamarizz - SolideraAdd an arrow to the number 3, so that it becomes a number 9, making: 9 - 2 = 7
Arrow on top left of 3 to make it a 9. 9-2=7Esus Ang Warman
Arrow on 3 to turn it into a 9Gzew
Top left on the 3. 9-2=7Zing Leon
bottom right of the number 3, turning into 9. 9-2=7 (yonabra)
9 - 2 = 7Char: lord soole trando
Add the arrow on the number 3, on the northern left part, transforming it into 9, making 9 - 2 = 7
Turn the 3 into a 9 to create 9-2=7Libi
Name: AlhejandraRespuesta: 9 - 2 = 7
Chart: KorynitaRespuesta: Respuesta: 9 - 2 = 7
Chart name: NeutrozxRespuesta: 9 - 2 = 7
Name chart: ChaviitohRespuesta: 9 - 2 = 7
Se agrega una flecha en la parte superior izquierda del 3 para convertirlo en 9, así sería 9-2=7Chart: Street Thug
Character: Arcai9-2=7
Name: KriszaksRespuesta: 9 - 2 = 7
Put one arrow to close the top of the 3 and make it: 9-2=7Daniellee
Add one vertical arrow to the number 3 so that it forms a number 9 instead. 9-2=7-Essiee
3 - 2 = 7Al 3 le agregamos el palito para que se convierta en 93 ahora es 99 - 2 = 7-Nicollexz Meraki
Add one arrow to the number 3 to turn it into 99 - 2 = 7Character Name: Dyaniixz
3-2=7 change to 9-2=7 Hymura
Name Char: Hinata Hyuga ByakuganRespuesta: 9 - 2 = 7. ( Se le agrega una flecha al 3 para convertirlo en 9 )
Character: Tiger Backwoods9-2=7
OzudGladeraAdd an arrow on 3 to make it a 9
agrego una flecha a la parte superior izquierda del 3 para formar un 9 y quedaria 9-2=7Chart: Street Thug
make the first number 9 with one arrow and 9-2 = 7
Presckot9 + 2 = 7Add one arrow to the 3 to make a 9.
Lyh9 - 2 = 7add an arrow at the first number.
9-2=7character name: pablo reformed
Add one arrow to the first digit (3) to make 9, so 9 - 2 = 7 - Lana Belle
Add one arrow in 39-2=7- Napom
You have to add an arrow to the 3 at the top to form a 9 and it stays this way 9 - 2 = 7Character: Mi Shadday
HefrusYou add one to the 3 so that its9-2=7
9-2=7Sir coor
Character: MikhelleAnswer: 9 - 2 = 7 (add one arrow in the top of the number 3)
PAN CETA9 - 2 = 7
Lervan9 - 2 =7
Moving the arrow south of the number 3 turning it into 99 - 2 = 7Ramona Toledo
Name Char: KathrynaRespuesta: se le coloca una flecha al número 3 para transformarlo en 9 y la ecuación quedaría, 9 - 2 = 7
Char: YadismarRespuesta: se le agrega una flecha al número 3 para convertirlo en el número 9 y la ecuación quedaría de la siguiente manera 9 - 2 = 7
Character:PaollahAdd an arrow to letf/top of number 3 to became 9-2=7
Add a vertical arrow at the top left side of the "3" turning it into a "9", so the equation becomes:9 - 2 = 7- Hunter of Dragoes
Name: Thardorine Zhan9-2=7 se le agrega la flecha al 3 para convertirlo en 9
Lone Leech Using a 3D plane I would put an arrow the long way so it would make a zero shape. I would put this arrow in the top right hand corner of the 7. This would make it 7 raised to the 0 power. 3-2=7^0. 3-2=1. 7^0=1
Yauraill Maleld Respuesta: le colocamos la flecha al número 3 para que se transforme en el número 9 y por lo tanto la ecuación quedaría 9-2=7
Char: Odrarcus NielRespuesta: 9-2=7
Nick: Eriica Sar 9-2:7
Add an arrow turning 3 to 9, so 9-2=7Lady Tiia Candia
Agregando una arrow al 3 se puede convertir en 9 y 9-2=7
Agregando un arrow al 3 se convierte en 9, 9-2=7
9-2=7Amy Meow
R= 9-2 = 7 Samuray de carro:)
9-2= 7Samuray de carro
9-2=7, adding one arrow to the number 3 so it turns into a 9-Babygirrl
Add one arrow to 3 to make it a 9, so: 9 - 2 = 7Green Khepri
Add arrow to 3 and it turns into 9: 9-2=7Soma deux
9-2=7, adding an arrow to the number 3 so it turns into 9-Babygirrl
9 - 2 = 7Char: Mia Moonshine
Add an arrow for the 3 to make it 9 - 2 = 7-Sapo Dungeo
Add an arrow for the 3 to make it 9 - 2 = 7-Tanabata
Add an arrow for the 3 to make it 9 - 2 = 7-Bara de Pan
Turning 3 into 9//Rand Silverfang
Akuma Nikaido9 - 2 = 7
Add an arrow to the 3 so it becomes 9-2=7
ReplyDeleteAdd an arrow to the 3 so it becomes 9-2=7
ReplyDelete9 - 2 = 7
ReplyDeleteTamarizz - Solidera
ReplyDeleteAdd an arrow to the number 3, so that it becomes a number 9, making: 9 - 2 = 7
ReplyDeleteArrow on top left of 3 to make it a 9. 9-2=7
ReplyDeleteEsus Ang Warman
Arrow on 3 to turn it into a 9
Top left on the 3. 9-2=7
ReplyDeleteZing Leon
bottom right of the number 3, turning into 9. 9-2=7
bomdrax (yonabra)
9 - 2 = 7
ReplyDeleteChar: lord soole trando
Add the arrow on the number 3, on the northern left part, transforming it into 9, making 9 - 2 = 7
ReplyDeleteTurn the 3 into a 9 to create 9-2=7
ReplyDeleteName: Alhejandra
ReplyDeleteRespuesta: 9 - 2 = 7
Chart: Korynita
ReplyDeleteRespuesta: Respuesta: 9 - 2 = 7
Chart name: Neutrozx
ReplyDeleteRespuesta: 9 - 2 = 7
Name chart: Chaviitoh
ReplyDeleteRespuesta: 9 - 2 = 7
Se agrega una flecha en la parte superior izquierda del 3 para convertirlo en 9, así sería 9-2=7
ReplyDeleteChart: Street Thug
Se agrega una flecha en la parte superior izquierda del 3 para convertirlo en 9, así sería 9-2=7
ReplyDeleteChart: Street Thug
Se agrega una flecha en la parte superior izquierda del 3 para convertirlo en 9, así sería 9-2=7
ReplyDeleteChart: Street Thug
Se agrega una flecha en la parte superior izquierda del 3 para convertirlo en 9, así sería 9-2=7
ReplyDeleteChart: Street Thug
Character: Arcai
Name: Kriszaks
ReplyDeleteRespuesta: 9 - 2 = 7
Put one arrow to close the top of the 3 and make it: 9-2=7
Add one vertical arrow to the number 3 so that it forms a number 9 instead. 9-2=7
3 - 2 = 7
ReplyDeleteAl 3 le agregamos el palito para que se convierta en 9
3 ahora es 9
9 - 2 = 7
-Nicollexz Meraki
Add one arrow to the number 3 to turn it into 9
ReplyDelete9 - 2 = 7
Character Name: Dyaniixz
Add one arrow to the number 3 to turn it into 9
ReplyDelete9 - 2 = 7
Character Name: Dyaniixz
Add one arrow to the number 3 to turn it into 9
ReplyDelete9 - 2 = 7
Character Name: Dyaniixz
3-2=7 change to 9-2=7 Hymura
ReplyDeleteName Char: Hinata Hyuga Byakugan
ReplyDeleteRespuesta: 9 - 2 = 7. ( Se le agrega una flecha al 3 para convertirlo en 9 )
Character: Tiger Backwoods
Add an arrow on 3 to make it a 9
agrego una flecha a la parte superior izquierda del 3 para formar un 9 y quedaria 9-2=7
ReplyDeleteChart: Street Thug
agrego una flecha a la parte superior izquierda del 3 para formar un 9 y quedaria 9-2=7
ReplyDeleteChart: Street Thug
agrego una flecha a la parte superior izquierda del 3 para formar un 9 y quedaria 9-2=7
ReplyDeleteChart: Street Thug
agrego una flecha a la parte superior izquierda del 3 para formar un 9 y quedaria 9-2=7
ReplyDeleteChart: Street Thug
make the first number 9 with one arrow and 9-2 = 7
ReplyDelete9 + 2 = 7
Add one arrow to the 3 to make a 9.
ReplyDelete9 - 2 = 7
add an arrow at the first number.
ReplyDeletecharacter name: pablo reformed
ReplyDeletecharacter name: pablo reformed
ReplyDeletecharacter name: pablo reformed
Add one arrow to the first digit (3) to make 9, so 9 - 2 = 7 - Lana Belle
ReplyDeleteAdd one arrow in 3
- Napom
You have to add an arrow to the 3 at the top to form a 9 and it stays this way 9 - 2 = 7
ReplyDeleteCharacter: Mi Shadday
ReplyDeleteYou add one to the 3 so that its
ReplyDeleteSir coor
Character: Mikhelle
ReplyDeleteAnswer: 9 - 2 = 7 (add one arrow in the top of the number 3)
ReplyDelete9 - 2 = 7
ReplyDelete9 - 2 =7
Moving the arrow south of the number 3 turning it into 9
ReplyDelete9 - 2 = 7
Ramona Toledo
Name Char: Kathryna
ReplyDeleteRespuesta: se le coloca una flecha al número 3 para transformarlo en 9 y la ecuación quedaría, 9 - 2 = 7
Char: Yadismar
ReplyDeleteRespuesta: se le agrega una flecha al número 3 para convertirlo en el número 9 y la ecuación quedaría de la siguiente manera 9 - 2 = 7
ReplyDeleteAdd an arrow to letf/top of number 3 to became 9-2=7
Add a vertical arrow at the top left side of the "3" turning it into a "9", so the equation becomes:
ReplyDelete9 - 2 = 7
- Hunter of Dragoes
Name: Thardorine Zhan
ReplyDelete9-2=7 se le agrega la flecha al 3 para convertirlo en 9
Lone Leech Using a 3D plane I would put an arrow the long way so it would make a zero shape. I would put this arrow in the top right hand corner of the 7. This would make it 7 raised to the 0 power. 3-2=7^0. 3-2=1. 7^0=1
ReplyDeleteYauraill Maleld
ReplyDeleteRespuesta: le colocamos la flecha al número 3 para que se transforme en el número 9 y por lo tanto la ecuación quedaría 9-2=7
Char: Odrarcus Niel
ReplyDeleteRespuesta: 9-2=7
Nick: Eriica Sar
Add an arrow turning 3 to 9, so 9-2=7
ReplyDeleteLady Tiia Candia
Agregando una arrow al 3 se puede convertir en 9 y 9-2=7
ReplyDeleteAgregando un arrow al 3 se convierte en 9, 9-2=7
ReplyDeleteAmy Meow
R= 9-2 = 7
ReplyDeleteSamuray de carro:)
9-2= 7
ReplyDeleteSamuray de carro
9-2=7, adding one arrow to the number 3 so it turns into a 9
Add one arrow to 3 to make it a 9, so: 9 - 2 = 7
ReplyDeleteGreen Khepri
Add arrow to 3 and it turns into 9: 9-2=7
ReplyDeleteSoma deux
9-2=7, adding an arrow to the number 3 so it turns into 9
9 - 2 = 7
ReplyDeleteChar: Mia Moonshine
Add an arrow for the 3 to make it 9 - 2 = 7
ReplyDelete-Sapo Dungeo
Add an arrow for the 3 to make it 9 - 2 = 7
Add an arrow for the 3 to make it 9 - 2 = 7
ReplyDelete-Bara de Pan
Turning 3 into 9
ReplyDelete//Rand Silverfang
Akuma Nikaido
ReplyDelete9 - 2 = 7