Monday, July 24, 2023

TibiaGoals Third Birthday!

Join our Birthday celebration!

To celebrate our 3rd birthday, we have prepared 6 different missions with different prizes. The missions will be posted at random times (around the given time stamps) between the server saves of the 26th and 28th July.
1st mission - 11:00 CEST - 13:00 CEST (SS+1h - SS+3h), 26th of July

2nd mission - 16:00 CEST - 18:00 CEST (SS+6h - SS+8h), 26th of July

3rd mission - 20:00 CEST - 22:00 CEST (SS+10h - SS+12h), 26th of July

4th mission - 9:00 CEST - 11:00 CEST (SS-1h - SS+1h), 27th of July

5th mission - 16:00 CEST - 18:00 CEST (SS+6h - SS+8h), 27th of July

6th mission - 21:00 CEST - 23:00 CEST (SS+11h - SS+13h), 27th of July

The timers added above are just the times when you can expect the mission information to pop up. It is NOT the deadline for each mission.

The missions will vary, but you can expect:

-Writing competition

-In-game tasks 

Each mission will have individual rules and prizes, about which you will be informed in the mission’s post, but they will also have a few things in common. These are the following:

1. The winner for each mission will be drawn by a lottery from the three fastest people with a valid participation. 

2. The missions will be posted at random times (posted above) between the server saves of the 26th and 28th July.

3. Your character must be at least level 50.

4. You can win in a maximum of 2 missions. Means if you qualified for the lottery on Mission I and Mission II and you won them both, you will not be able to participate in the lottery of Mission III, even if you are the fastest. However, you can only participate in one mission once. 

5. Next mission might start even if the previous one hasn’t finished yet if we don’t have the 3 winners in time.

6. Post your submission in the comments section of the mission you are participating in. Don’t forget to include your character’s name, your submission won’t be counted if it doesn’t have the name.

7. TibiaGoals staff cannot participate.

8. All the lotteries will be handled on our Discord server in the channel #tibiagoals-third-birthday. >Join here<


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