Sunday, February 27, 2022

TibiaGoals Riddles E16R09


 Do you know the answer?
Comment down below!



  1. The item 6 and 9 does not exist

    Nick: Iaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaa Aaaaaaa

  2. Well, due to my research I can conclude that items 1,2,3,4,5,7 and 8 does exists.

    And 6 and 9,does as well but you made some slightly modifications to them.

    For example:

    Item number 6 without the "Giant Sapphire" in game could be "gleaming starlight vial" or "starlight vial" (both of them has a red cork). But, if the item as it is (in the image) with the Sapphire does not exists in Game.

    Item number 9 with out all the thing on top of it (I'm 90% SURE that the items are "rubbish" , "some wood" and (not sure about this one but) "dirty fur") does exists, they are Called Draken boots, But if we take in count those item as one, the item doesn't exist in game either.
    So, I'll go with items 6 and 9 doesn't exists in game.

    Eve Esece

  3. Items 6 & 9.

    Character Name: Dyaniixz

  4. Items 6 & 9.

    Character Name: Dyaniixz

  5. Hello,
    I would say 6, 8 and 9 are the ones that don't exist ingame.
    Have a good week,
    Firion Zazuke

  6. number 6 and number 9
    character name: pablosaurio

  7. number 6 and number 9
    character name: pablosaurio

  8. number 6 and number 9
    character name: pablosaurio

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. My answer is 6 and 8.
    It surprised me that the 9th one actually exist. I found that out accidentally haha

  11. Item 6 and 8 does not exist in the game

  12. Hey! I'll go with 6 and 9 :)
    Have a great start to your week! -Elyrea

  13. All items exist, but the number 6 and 9, are fusions of two or more items (Starlight Vial + Giant Sapphire, and Draken Boots + Some wood + something), they together does not exist

    Nick: Iaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaa Aaaaaaa

  14. The number 9 does not exist, the rest of the items exist, (but the 6 is the fusion of two existing items)

    Nick: Iaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaa Aaaaaaa

  15. Presckot

    Right Answer:

    the item 6 and 8

  16. 6 starlight vial doenst have a giant saphire on the tibia sprite
    9:draken boots dont have the rubish on tibia sprite


  17. Number 6 does not exist, it haves a red gem instead of blue one, & Number 8 does not exist, the color is different.

    Character Name: Dyaniixz

  18. Number 6 does not exist, it haves a red gem instead of blue one, & Number 8 does not exist, the color is different.

    Character Name: Dyaniixz

  19. Number 6 does not exist, it haves a red gem instead of blue one, & Number 8 does not exist, the color is different.

    Character Name: Dyaniixz

  20. the number 6 and 8
    character name: pablosaurio

  21. the number 6 and 8
    character name: pablosaurio

  22. the number 6 and 8
    character name: pablosaurio

  23. Hello hello,

    Items 6 and 9 does not exist in Tibia, if Im not mistaken. o.O

    /Rand Silverfang

  24. The answers are 6, 8, and 9

    Toxic Hasulhoff

  25. Number 8,the color is slightly different from the one in game.

  26. Ellu!

    6 and 8 does not exist in the game of Tibiano!

    /Rand Silverfang

  27. Congratulations to all participants!

    This one was indeed a tricky one. A lot of you wrote number 9, but if you check Cyclopedia, it will show you that Trashed Draken Books still exist in Tibia, even if they are not obtainable anymore.

    You can control your results in our sheet: Riddles / Information

    Remember, even if you got disqualified from the lottery, you can still participate in TibiaGoals riddles just for fun!

    See you on Wednesday! Only one riddle left in current event!

    If you have any questions or doubts, don't hesitate to contact us at
