Sunday, February 21, 2021

TibiaGoals Riddles E6R3

 Do you know the answer?
Comment down below!
You can name the item that is changed or link a picture with the changes marked through hosts such as gyazo or imgur.


    Mian Stone'arrow

  2. Hello,

  3. Nehkz

    1 Crystal got different colour (purple, blue)
    2 Ear of bear is missing
    4 3 Ice flower is missing one sqm right to bear
    5 The bud of the Midnight Bloom is missing
    6 One wallcandle is missing
    7 One luminescent crystal is missing on the bed
    8 One spark is missing on the moon mirror

  4. Nehkz

    1 Crystal got different colour (purple, blue)
    2 Ear of bear is missing
    4 3 Ice flower is missing one sqm right to bear
    5 The bud of the Midnight Bloom is missing
    6 One wallcandle is missing
    7 One luminescent crystal is missing on the bed
    8 One spark is missing on the moon mirror

  5. Nehkz

    1 Crystal got different colour (purple, blue)
    2 Ear of bear is missing
    4 3 Ice flower is missing one sqm right to bear
    5 The bud of the Midnight Bloom is missing
    6 One wallcandle is missing
    7 One luminescent crystal is missing on the bed
    8 One spark is missing on the moon mirror

  6. Nehkz

    1 Crystal got different colour (purple, blue)
    2 Ear of bear is missing
    3 Ice flower is missing one sqm right to bear
    4 The Guildsign of Divines Character is missing
    5 The bud of the Midnight Bloom is missing
    6 One wallcandle is missing
    7 One luminescent crystal is missing on the bed
    8 One spark is missing on the moon mirror

  7. Nehkz

    1 Crystal got different colour (purple, blue)
    2 Ear of bear is missing
    3 Ice flower is missing one sqm right to bear
    4 The Guildsign of Divines Character is missing
    5 The bud of the Midnight Bloom is missing
    6 One wallcandle is missing
    7 One luminescent crystal is missing on the bed
    8 One spark is missing on the moon mirror

  8. 1. Different colour of top left life crystal
    2. On right picture teddy bear's ear is missing
    3. On 1 sqm right to teddy bear, there is small ice flower on left picture, no ice flower on right picture
    4. Guild symbol next to Divine'angel on left picture, no symbol on right picture
    5. Wall lamp missing on right picture
    6. 1 Luminescent Crystal is missing on right picture (on bed)
    7. Moon mirror has got 3 sparks on left picture and 2 on right pic
    8. Top right SQM flower has got 1 more part on left picture


  9. 1 spark on the moon mirror
    2 colour of gnomish repair crystal
    3 ice flower on north east from Divine is vanished
    4 Divine lost a guild xD
    5 candle holder on right from doors is vanished
    6 ow and she cut the ear from her bear :(
    7 one crystal on right bed is vanished
    8 Flower on north east corner is vanished

    Bloody Evan

  10. Character - Ragge Storm

    here, I attach the link to the riddle's picture solved.

    1. top left crystal has different color
    2. teddy bear missing ear on second picture
    3. one flower (fourth sqm from left in top row) missing on second picture
    4. blue thing missing on the right in top right square xd
    5. mage outfit character has no guild on second picture
    6. lamp right of the door missing on second picture
    7. some stones are cut out on the second picture (on the beds)
    8. one less spark on the moon mirror on the second picture

    nick: Impure


    Moon klest (Gladera)

  13. Left crystal
    Teddy bear ear
    Guild banner on divine
    Flower star
    Handle on the right corner by a flower
    A light on the right side of door
    A rock on the table is missing
    A dazzle start on by the moon item
    Sir wuachachucho

  14. Left crystal
    Teddy bear ear
    Guild badge
    Light door missing
    Flower star
    Handle on the right corner by a flower
    A pabble on the table is missing
    A dazzle star, there suppose to be 3


    1. Crystal has changed color
    2. Teddy lost his other ear
    3. One ice flower is missing
    4. Midnight bloom flower lost one of its buds
    5. Divine'Angel's guild sign is missing
    6. One of the wall lamps is missing
    7. One luminescent crystal is missing from the stack
    8. Strong sinew has lost one of its sparkles


  16. Hey there! You can find my solution for the riddle here:
    Thanks a lot! :)

  17. 1. the crystals have various colors, 2. One sparkle in the moon thingy is missing on the right pic, 3. Blue flower is missing on the right picture, 4. THe bear has no ear on the right pic, lol, 5. Different number of lumniscent crystals on the beds, 6. No candle on the wall on the right pic, 7. The flowerpot with the midnight bloom looks different on the right, 8. Divine has no icon next to her name on the right picture

  18. Moonizera: Stuffed Teddy
    Ice Flower
    Flower Pot
    Guild Icon
    Wall Lamp
    Luminescent crystal

  19. Stuffed Teddy
    Ice Flower
    Flower Pot
    Guild Icon
    Wall Lamp
    Luminescent crystal


  20. 1st. room
    Different crystal colour
    Missing guild mark
    Missing blue star on ladder spot
    Bear missing ear
    Different blue flower full north east
    2nd. room
    Missing torch spot on wall
    Different amount of crystals on full east bed
    Lit moon mirror shines A bit different

    Thats the best description I could come up with 😂

  21. I have provided a link from gyazo, I cna also send it on imgur if there is a problem. The 8 differences spotted!

  22. Stuffed Teddy - missing an ear;
    Gnomish repair crystal- change colour to turquoise
    Midnight bloom flower is missing part( very top right corner)
    Ice flower is missing on the stock
    Guild mark next to nickname missing
    Lamp is missing - on the right from the door ( inbedroom)
    Luminescent crystal is missing ( first stack from the right )
    spark effect is missing above strong sinew

    Eternal hunger

  23. Stuffed Teddy - missing an ear;
    Gnomish repair crystal- change colour to turquoise
    Midnight bloom flower is missing part( very top right corner)
    Ice flower is missing from the stock
    Guild mark next to nickname is missing
    Lamp on the wall is missing - on the right from the door ( inbedroom)
    Luminescent crystal is missing ( first stack from the right )
    spark effect is missing above strong sinew

    Eternal hunger

  24. Stuffed Teddy - missing an ear;
    Gnomish repair crystal- change colour to turquoise
    Midnight bloom flower is missing part( very top right corner)
    Ice flower is missing from the stock
    Guild mark next to nickname missing
    Lamp on the wall is missing - on the right from the door ( inbedroom)
    Luminescent crystal is missing ( first stack from the right )
    spark effect is missing above strong sinew

    Eternal hunger

  25. 1. Crystal with different color north west corner
    2. Bear's ear
    3. Guild icon at Divine' Angel side
    4. Flower at the stair
    5. A part of the flower missing on the north east corner
    6. Wall lamp missing on the right side of the door
    7. Cyan crystal fragment missing at the right stack on the bed
    8. Shine missing on top of the moon mirror stack

    Char: Marulina

  26. 1.marks de la guild 2.La oreja del oso 3. la flor azul de la derecha el extremo no lo tiene 4 . ice flower de la derecha del oso 5 .las luminecense de la derecha falta 1 6 . tongue enchant que esta en la moon mirror 7 . la lit wall lamp de la derecha 8 .El life crystal de la izquierda .............. zazy torturador sombrio

  27. Zuali

  28. 1. Memory cristal
    2.luminescent cristal
    3.flower pot flower
    6.stuffed Teddy display
    7.tonge enchant
    8.lit wall lamp... Bebitha consentida

  29. 1. The gnomish repair crystal - food matrix crystal.
    2. The ear of the stuffed teddy is missing.
    3. The guild icon is missing.
    4. The ice flower is missing.
    5. The ungrown flower of the midnight bloom is missing.
    6. The lit wall lamp is missing.
    7. The luminescent crystal is missing on the bed.
    8. The sparkle on the cobra tongue is missing.

    Char: Dyaniixz



  31. Myo Disturbed

    1. shine on cobra tongue
    2. guild shield icon
    3. lamp on the wall
    4. cyan cristal
    5. teddy bear ear
    6. thaian crystals
    7. ice flower
    8. blue dot branch missing in the blue flower on the right

  32. 1. Crystal colour
    2. Stuffed Teddy Display ear missing
    3. Flower pot missing part
    4. Wall lamp missig
    5. Ice flower missing
    6. Guild insignia missing
    7. Lumniescent crystal missing
    8. Cobra tongue shine missing

    Character: Amy Meow

    Knight Narco

  34. 1. Flower Pot Missing Part
    2. Wall Lamp Missing
    3. Ice Flowee Missing
    4. Guild Missing
    5. Lumniescent Crystal Missing
    6. Crystal Colour
    7. Stuffed Teddy Ear Missing
    8. Cobra Tongue Shine Missing

    Samuray de carro:)

  35. 1. Flower Pot Missing Part
    2. Wall Lamp Missing
    3. Ice Flowee Missing
    4. Guild Missing
    5. Lumniescent Crystal Missing
    6. Crystal Colour
    7. Stuffed Teddy Ear Missing
    8. Cobra Tongue Shine Missing

    Samuray de carro :)

  36. Top room:
    1. The purple crystal in top left corner is changed to green.
    2. The stuffed teddy bear is missing an ear.
    3. There is an ice flower missing on the sqm with the ladder.
    4. The blue flower pot in top right corner is missing a petal/leaf.
    5. There is no guild emblem/symbol below the character name.

    Bottom room:
    6. There is a missing light/torch by the door.
    7. The luminescent crystal stack to the furthest right is missing 1 luminescent crystal.
    8. The sparkly cobra tongue ontop of the moon mirror is missing 1 part of the sparkle Sprite.

    Character: Elee Bae

  37. Top room:
    1. The purple crystal in top left corner is changed to green.
    2. The stuffed teddy bear is missing an ear.
    3. There is an ice flower missing on the sqm with the ladder.
    4. The blue flower pot in top right corner is missing a petal/leaf.
    5. There is no guild emblem/symbol below the character name.

    Bottom room:
    6. There is a missing light/torch by the door.
    7. The luminescent crystal stack to the furthest right is missing 1 luminescent crystal.
    8. The sparkly cobra tongue ontop of the moon mirror is missing 1 part of the sparkle Sprite.

    Character: Elee Bae
