Thursday, August 13, 2020

Ideal Death Protection sets for PVP (mages): Set for main characters mages

If you're a person committed to the PVP aspects of this game and you're currently or constantly involved in tibia wars, then you must know there is a set of items that you would like to have, in order to give your best performance at your wars, and we'd like to share it with you!

Nevertheless, most of what you see in this set of equipment can be worn by most vocations, this ideal set is prepared for mages only, since there is better set of equipment for the other vocations
that we will later talk about.
                                                                       ED                                              MS

                      For ED Total of:  35% death protection before Stone Skin Amulet (SSA) and might ring             

For MS Total of: 39% death protection before Stone Skin Amulet (SSA) and might ring

  • The helmet

If you're a druid, paladin or knight the helmet that you'd like to have is the "Shroud of despair" This helmet provides 3% protection of death and is looted by the boss Tarbaz, this boss is one of the 5 "mini bosses" from the quest Ferumbras' Ascendant Quest. It's value varies from server to server, but the average range value can go from 20-28kk

Even though you can use the shroud of despair as an MS, If you're a Master Sorcerer, the best helmet with protection of death to use is the "Galea mortis", this helmet will provide you with 6% of death protection and is looted by the boss King Zelos, this boss is located in the Isle of the Kings (west of carlin) and is the final boss of the quest Grave Danger. It's value varies but the avarage range can go from 4-6kk.

  • The Unliving Demonbone

The Unliving Demonbone can be looted by Ghulosh, one of the mini bosses from access to The Secret Library, this item's value can go from 10-15kk in average depending on the server. This item provides you with 3% death protection and has two slots for imbuiments.

  • The armor

The elven mail is the ideal armor since it has 3 spots for imbuiments. This armor is looted by the boss Ravennous Hunger, this boss is one of the bosses is located in Ab'dendriel and is a part of the quest Cults of tibia. This item's value goes from an avarage range of 3-5kk

The most common combination for imbues for this armor that are used by the people doing PVP normally are: Fire protection, Ice protection and death protection.

Even though you can use the elven mail as an MS, If you're a Master Sorcerer, the best armor to use is sthe "Robe of the underworld", you can obtain this armor as a reward for completing The Inquisition Quest. It provides 12% protection of death and it's price can go from 200k to 400k depending on the server. Note that this armor also gives -12% of holy, so it can be contraproducent the damage to wear it in respawns where you can encounter mobs that deal holy for damage, like falcon or some places in Issavi

  • The lit moon mirror

The Lit Moon Mirror is the item that most PVP players prefere having on their arrow slot. This items counts with 5% death protection and can be obtained within the Threatened Dreams Quest by going to the glade north-east of Feyrist and using the Darck Moon Mirror during the night. 

  • The Amulet
The Koshei's Ancient Amulet is an item that can be obtained as a part of the Koshei's Deathless Quest, this item's value goes from 50-100k on the servers. The amulet provides an 8% of death protection, although this amulet is the best to have equiped to guarantee some death protection, the player must be careful since it also gives -50% of holy, so it can be contraproducent the damage to wear it in respawns where you can encounter mobs that deal holy for damage, like falcon or some places in Issavi

  • The Legs
The Grasshopper Legs, although they don't provide any death protection, what most PVP players feel comfortable to equip are the grasshopper legs since they provide +10 speed which surely helps fighting paralyzes of enemiies.

  • The Shield

And finally, for the shield you can basically use any shield that has imbuiment slot and use death protection imbue. Many comitted players do use an Umbral Master Spellbook since it has a slot for imbuiment.

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